14 April 2024

Kingdom living

Over the next couple of months, we will be exploring the book of 1 Kings from the Old Testament of the bible – and as we do so I am praying that God will speak to us all.

What might we learn as we explore this book?

As humans we are not as independent as we think we are. People have historically looked for people to rule, but who is our ultimate King? In what kingdom will we serve?

We can seek after all kinds of ideas – but what about seeking after God?

The Kingdom involves God and His people – we are not called to go solo, but to live and build His Kingdom together.

The King we worship is not far off but wants us to understand what covenantal worship looks like. We are in a relationship with God and there is the call to be faithful.

It can be easy to fret about many things, but 1 Kings will remind us that God is our provider.

There is the call and reminder to live with a wise heart. May we guard our hearts from sin and pursue holiness.

God shows us the power of prayer. We will see examples of this in Elijah’s life and are reminded that prayer is key to living in God’s Kingdom.

Elijah also reminds us of the power of courage as we live for God and His Kingdom.

God is not looking for self-assured, powerful leaders he is looking for Godly people who are okay with weakness – so that God may be glorified.

A little background on this book

Who wrote 1 Kings?

The Book of 1 Kings does not specifically name its author however many scholars believe the Prophet Jeremiah wrote it.

When was it written?

It is thought that the book was written between 560 and 540 B.C.

What is going on in the book?

This is the sequel to 1 and 2 Samuel and begins by tracing Solomon’s rise to kingship after the death of his father, David. The story begins with a united kingdom, but ends in a nation divided into two kingdoms, known as Judah and Israel

Where is the Gospel in 1 (and 2) Kings?

This ten-minute video from the late Tim Keller explores where the Gospel can be found in 1 and 2 Kings:

As we walk explore 1 Kings let us pray for one another and for all who speak on a Sunday that we may all learn what it is to engage in Kingdom Living.

Every Blessing 


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