21 March 2020

Come together – while staying apart

As we prepare for our Sunday Day of Prayer on 22 March, our Prayer Ministry Team leaders share some thoughts on how we can come together even when we’re staying apart.

As I begin to write this, things are shifting daily in this time of pandemic.
These words come to my mind

‘You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.’

Isaiah 26 v 3

Most of us are spending increased time in our homes, and apart from our KCC family.

There is such a temptation to ‘do’ so much. We can fill our days with things we don’t normally have time to do. In speaking with people over the years about prayer and bible study, I have heard the consistent refrain ‘ I don’t have time’.

Well, now we do!

Colin and Clive’s talks in recent weeks prophetically spoken about building our foundations in Jesus Christ, on the word of God and prayer. Last Sunday Colin urged us to not conform to the spirit of the world which operates in fear. Rather to shine, and sacrifice for others showing that our faith is in God. Demonstrating our trust in the One who has control. The One who is Sovereign. Grasping this makes us a people of power.

As we come to this Sunday, our day of prayer, I offer some thoughts, encouragement and prayer pointers. This list is by no means exhaustive, but I share with you what God has laid on my heart. He will add much more as you begin to seek Him in prayer.

“Not to us O LORD, not to us but to your Name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness”

Psalm 115v1

Pray that above all else God would be glorified and honoured in our lives as we daily take up our cross. We desire to be characterised as a people of peace in this world of distress.

Thank God for the research scientists who are using their expertise to work round the clock to create a vaccine. Also for those who are working on creating immediate treatment for patients now. Pray that in their time of research they would seek and also find the Great Creator God and acknowledge him as Lord.

Cover in prayer our NHS Staff who have gone beyond their roles to care for the most sick and vulnerable. They are working in probably the most stressful time of their careers. Pray for endurance and their own health at this time.

Pray for those who simply have to go out to work. Police, fire service, home carers, refuse collectors, delivery drivers, haulage services and many more. Without whom vital work cannot be done on the front line.

Pray for those who have lost their jobs or who are suffering diminished income. Ask God if you have to reach into your storehouse and help? In Clive’s recent sermon we were challenged to remember that we don’t own anything, it all belongs to God. This may be a time where God is asking you to be a doer not just a hearer of the word.

Pray for our scattered communities who call KCC our home. That, although apart, we will find this a lesson in thankfulness for our church family, and continue in prayer for our Pastors and Elders as they shepherd us.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, he offered selfless help to a stranger. He could have experienced danger to himself. However he showed sacrificial love. We are to practice caution, in line with obedience to our government, but pray that God would show us lovingly creative ways to help our neighbours, not just our friends.

Pray for those who already suffer from loneliness. A virus in its own way. Also for those with mental health issues, that their symptoms would not intensify, and that they would still be also to access help, as needed.

Let’s pray for an outpouring of kindness! In the supermarket I witnessed ugly behaviour and attitudes to staff. If you have something, be willing to share! Let’s be a thankful people and be willing to share. God has promised to supply all our needs, not necessarily our wants!

One practical prayer tip I use is to pray through the church directory which is found on ChurchSuite. We may not know everyone, nor individual’s circumstances, but no prayer offered in faith goes unheard.

We are witnessing an unravelling of life in a way we have never experienced before. We see the demolition of idols of sport, theatre, socialising, entertainment, food consumption, and whatever else occupies our time more than God. Let’s pray for a stirring of each other’s heart towards our Heavenly Father. He alone is worthy of our worship in good times and bad. He is so worthy!

We have a great and powerful God. This is the season to show and demonstrate our faith to all around us. It is a totally counter-cultural way to live but, it shows just where our treasure is.

Finally, for your emotional and spiritual health a word of advice….

Read your Bible twice as much as you read the news bulletins! Therein lies peace.


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Categories: COVID-19, Prayer